天津市第一中学外研版高中英语必修第一册单元知识重点背诵学案:Unit 5 Into the Wild.docx
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Book 1 Unit 5 Into the WildI. Chunks1. animal charity动物慈善机构[来源:学|科|网]2. animal that migrate迁徙的动物3. annual migration一年一度的迁徙4. seek a partner寻找配偶5. move from one place to another at certain times of the year在每年的特定时间从一处迁移到另一处6. manage to travel around 4,000 kilometers south能够完成约 4000 公里的南行旅程manage to find their way to California or Mexico成功到达(美国)加利福尼亚州或墨西哥7. use its eyes to measure the position of the sun用它的眼睛测量太阳的位置8. allow the butterfly to determine the way to go使蝴蝶可以确定要走的路9. the solution to the mystery这个迷的答案10. amazing ability惊人的能力[来源:学&科&网]11. crash by as much as 90 percent减少了百分之九十之多12. human activity人类活动13. destroy the natural environment破坏自然环境14. cut down trees砍伐树木15. the research on the butterfly’s behavior对于这种蝴蝶行为的研究16. use chemicals to kill the plants monarch caterpillars eat用化学制剂杀死黑脉金斑蝶幼虫食用的植物17. lead to a greater awareness of this creature使得对这种生物有了更多的了解18. enough plants for it to feed on有足够多的植物够它食用19. this lovely creature这种可爱的生物20. the chance that it will survive它能存活下来的可能性21. a scientific research paper about the monarch butterfly’s migration关于黑脉金斑蝶迁徙的科学研究论文22. a travel leaflet encouraging people to visit North America鼓励人们去北美旅游的宣传小册子23. complete the “cause-effect” flow charts完成“因果”流程图24. as busy as a bee极为忙碌

到自然状态64下的动物. be famous for the variety of its wildlife以
其野生动物的多样性k be best 而闻名nown for it bears以
熊最为出 47.名run at a speed of around 64 kilometers per hour以每小时64公里的
速度.48跑 follow a path that took me through a dark forest沿
着一条小径穿过一片昏暗的 49. step森林out of the trees走出
森林50. breathtaking view惊人的美
景,美得令人窒息的景色51. concentrate on photographing this amazing scene专心拍摄
这惊人的美[景来源:学科网]52. fly over the snow-capped mountains掠
过白雪皑皑的5山顶3. with the camera still held to my eye相机
25. kill two birds with one stone一举两得,一箭双雕26. hold your horses慢点,别急27. rain cats and dogs下倾盆大雨28. a way of adding color to the language一种给语言增添色彩的方式29. rush into something仓促行事,匆忙行事30. compare them to Chinese equivalents把这些谚语和它们对应的汉语做比较31. take sth for example用....举例32. someone in authority管事的人,当权者33. corresponding idioms in Chinese汉语中对应的成语34. be kept at home as sources of food在家中饲养以作食物来源35. be founded in 1906成立于1906年36. at the very start of the debate在辩论的刚开始时37. be for or against the statement支持或是反对这个陈述38. help protect animals in danger of dying out帮助保护处于灭绝危险的动物39. depend too much on humans过分依赖人类40. be unable to live on their own when returned to the wild当被放归野外时无法独立生存41. hold a debate on…举办关于...的辩论42. think of a topic that is related to animals想出一个和动物相关的话题43. an encounter with nature一次与自然的邂逅44. brave the elements不顾天气恶劣,冒着风雨45. observe animals in their natural environment观察

的棕色皮毛滴着水珠55. force my finger to press the button硬
是按下了e56. recov快门r from the shock从
震惊中缓过神来57. be captured forever in a single image被
永远定格在一张照片中58. a job that involves working with animals一
份动物和道打交的工l59. photograph anima作s in their natural habitats拍摄自然
栖息地 60.中的动物have the opportunity to see animals in the wild 有机
会去观察16野外的动物.help improve people’s understanding of them帮助
提高a62. 人们对动物的了解 symbol of long life and good luck in Chinese culture在中国文化中是
寿长和运好的s征63. the me象sage behind the story故
事背后的要旨/ 寓意64. be told through the eyes of...通
过...的眼睛来讲...述.65. have a better understanding of relationships between humans and animals and respect nature 对人类和动物之间的关
系有更好的了解并尊重cII. Senten自然es1. One of the most wonderful migrations in nature is that of the North American monarch butterfly.[来源:学科网ZXXK]自然
界最为壮观的迁徙之一就是北美洲黑脉金斑蝶的迁徙e2. Thes。 two pieces of information---the time of day and the point where the sun is in the sky ---allowthe butterfly to determine the way to go.这两
条信息---一天中的时刻和太阳在天空中的位置---让黑脉金斑蝶能够判定前进方’3. The solution to the mystery of the monarch向。s amazing ability comes at a time when it is in serioustrouble.黑脉金斑蝶这一惊人能力的
奥秘被揭开时,这一生物正处于水深火热的生存状态中m4. The 。ore we know about this lovely creature, the greater the chance will survive and keep its placein the natural world for a long time to come.我
们对这种迷人的生物了解越多,它们在自然界中得以长久生存并保持其位置的可能性就越.。5大 When the cat’s away, the mice will play.猫儿
不在,老鼠作怪。(指管事的人不在,下面的人玩个痛快A6. )s the world’s first national park, Yellowstone is famous for the variety of its wildlife, but it is probablybest known for its bears.黄石
54. with water falling off its thick, brown hair厚厚

那里的w7. Despite a 熊。eight of up to 300 kilograms, they can run at a speed of around 64 kilometers per hourand are also excellent swimmers.虽
然体重最高030可达 公斤,它们却 64能以约 公里的时速奔跑,还非常擅长游g8. While I was concentrating on photographin泳。 this amazing scene, I suddenly had a feeling that Iwas being watched.我正聚精会神地拍摄
这惊人的景观,突然感觉有什么在盯着n9. Time stood still as the bear a我。d I both waited to see who would move first.时间
凝固了,我和熊都等着ti10. From 看谁会先跑。me to time I looked at the photo as a reminder to show respect to all animals. It is after allwe who are the visitors to their world.我
不时地会看看这张照片,提醒自己尊重所有的动物。毕竟,我们才是他们世界的h11. Being a wildlife photographer requires good p访客。otography skills, knowledge of animal behaviourand a lot of patience.做为一
名野外动物摄影师需要好的拍摄技巧,了解动物习性的知识和大量的w12. How would you react if you 耐心。ere in the same situation as the photographer?如
果你处于和这名摄影师同样的情形,你会如何应对来源[?:Z.xx.k.Com]13. Its unique feature, from which it gets its name, is the bright red skin on the top of its head.它独特的特点