Unit 3 Getting along with others【复习课件】-2021-2022学年高一英语单元复习过过过(译林版2020必修第一册).ppt
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1. sight n. 视野; 视力; 看见*(经典例句)They fell in love at first sight and then got married. 他们一见钟情, 然后结婚了。要点理解

【词块积累】out of one’s sight     脱离某人的视线out of sight看不见; 在视野之外catch sight of望见; 看到at the sight of一看见……at first sight一看; 第一眼看到come into sight进入视野in sight在视线内; 看得见

(1)Standing at the top of the hill, you can ____________the whole city. 站在山顶, 你能够看见全城的景色。(2)We waved until the car was __________. 我们一直招手, 直到那辆汽车消失在视野之中。(3)It was nearly bed time and when they awoke next morning land would be _______. 差不多该是睡觉的时候了, 等他们第二天早上醒来, 就能看见陆地。(4)She nearly died of fright ____________the escaped tiger. 她一看到出逃的老虎差点吓死了。catch sight ofout of sightin sightat the sight of

【要点提示】sight意义面面观  sight也可指“风景, 名胜”, 是眼睛所看到的景象, 可以指美丽的风景, 也可以指悲惨的景象。常用复数形式sights表示名胜古迹、人文景观等。

2. make it能够出席; 准时到达; 获得成功*(教材原句)When I called her, she said she might not be able to make it to the cinema. 我给她打电话时, 她说她可能不能去看电影了。

【要点提示】make it与make it to(1)make it to可以表示“到达某地”。例如: These three climbers made it to the top in four hours. 这三位攀岩者在4个小时内攀登到了顶点。(2)make it也可以表示“设法成功做某事”。例如: You will make it if you don’t lose heart and keep on trying. 如果你不泄气并继续努力的话, 你会成功的。

(3)make it也常用来表示约定时间。例如: —When shall we meet again? —Make it any day you like; it’s all the same to me. ——我们什么时候再次见面? ——随你定在哪天, 我都一样。

(1)(2019·天津高考)She left before I could even _________________to offer my thanks. 我还没来得及走到门口向她道谢, 她就离开了。(2)Let’s _____________________on Tuesday morning at my office. 让我们把时间定在星期二早上七点, 地点就在我的办公室。make it to the doormake it at seven o’clock

【知识延伸】make it结构中的it有时为形式宾语, 后接形容词作宾语补足语。例如: I have to make it clear that my family is poor. 我得说清楚我家里很穷。

3. recover vi. 恢复健康; 恢复常态vt. 全额收回; 寻回; 重新获得; 恢复, 重新控制*(2020·浙江高考)I’m wondering whether you have recovered from your sickness. 我想知道你是否从你的病中恢复了。

【词块积累】(1)recover from    (从疾病等中)恢复; 痊愈recover oneself恢复健康; 恢复正常; 恢复知觉(2)recovery n. 恢复健康; 重新获得make a recovery from. . . 从……中恢复make a full/good recovery 完全康复

治疗, 并且。数人已痊愈大多recover herselfmade a full recovery/recovered from the operationhave made a full recovery
(1)She made a great effort to _____________. 她做出巨大的努力使自己恢复健康。(2)My father has ____________________________________________. 我父亲手术后已完全康复了。(3)So far 28 people have been treated in hospital, and the majority ______________________. 至今, 28名患者已经在医院接受

答, 回; 应作出ide应, 响应*(2020·天津高考)How did Pres反nt Lincoln first respond to Vinnie’s request? 林肯总统最初
4. respond vi. &vt. 回

反应/回 srespond to答b. /sth. (with/by sth. )用……回
应r人(事)(2)某esponse n. 回
答; 反应in response to对……做出
反应make (a) response to回
答/响应……, 对……做出反应
【词块积累】(1)respond to sth.     对……做出

应声开了门。打(2)They were prompted to __________our call for help. 他们
对我们的求助立即回应。(3)When some people say we can’t do it, we ________________________________ : Yes, we can. 当
有人说我们办不到的时候, 我们要以这句话来回应们: 是的, 我们能做到。in response to他respond towill respond to them with thiswords
(1)He opened the door ____________a knock. 他

去; 亏损; 失世; 损is*(教材原句)The stress of th失 situation is killing me, and I’m at a loss what to do next. 这
种情况的压力简直要了我的知道命, 我不下一步该怎么办。
5. loss n. 失去, 丧

丢失/丧esuff失r a loss (of. . . )遭
受(……的)损fsu失fer (great) losses遭
受(重大)损emak失 up for the loss弥
补损t thcu失e loss减少损
失at a loss 不知所
措, 困惑
【词块积累】(1)the/a loss of. . .      ……的

失; 失败lose one’s way迷路be lost in沉迷于; 埋头于get lost迷路
(2)lose v. 丢

力的不足。 (2)The off-shore regions ___________________if the sea level does not cease rising. 如果
平海面不停止上沿海升, 地区将会遭受极大的损r(3)She sta失。ed out of the window, ______a daydream. 她
凝视窗, 外沉浸在幻。make up for想之中will suffer great losseslost in
(1)Hard work can often ___________a lack of intelligence. 勤奋工

这个孩子在公园走丢, 这对父母们了他就失去孩子的音信。got lost
(4)The parents have lost track of their child since the kid _______in the park 20 years ago. 自从20年前

认)批评; 判断, 指为n. 法
官; 裁判员*(教材原句)Don’t be so quick to judge your friend. 不要
6. judge vt. &vi. 评价, (尤

定某人/物a……as f是r as I can judge据
我/fjudging by判断rom. . . 从……来看, 根据……判断(2)judg(e)ment n. 判决; 判断; 评价in one’s judg(e)ment在某人看来
【词块积累】(1)judge. . . by/from. . .   根据……判断……judge sb. /sth. as/to be. . . 断

他的口音判断, 他一定是南方__(2) _________人。_______, I’m afraid you are wrong. 据
我判断, 恐怕是你错s(3)All _____________了。cored him the full mark at the same time. 五
位裁判员同时给了他满分r Judging fromAs fa。 as I can judgethe five judges
(1) ____________his accent, he must be a southerner. 根据

判断”, 用在句首时, 为一个
独立成分, 不受句子主语和时态的影响。英语中类似judging by/from用法的
独立成分很多还有, 如generally/exactly/fra(kly/honestly spe一kingna般地/确切
/坦率地地/诚实o), c地说nsidering(that). . . (考虑于, 鉴到, 就……而言), providing/provided(that). . . (假
如, 倘若……)等。
【要点提示】judging by/from  judging by/from表示“从……来看, 根据……来

实话, 他不是一个你可以相信 人。*Considering的his age, the child reads quite well. 鉴于
他的年龄, 这个孩子读得相当好。
*Honestly speaking, he is not a person you can trust. 说

巧学助记】 语j记境巧udge用法That judge judged that these ancient pictures should be judged by some judges of art. 那位法

歉, 谢2*(罪020·新高考全
国Ⅰ卷)You don’t need to apologize for a minor slip. 你不
7. apologize vi. 道

歉apologize to sb. that. . . 向某人道
【词块积累】(1)apologize to sb. for(doing)sth.            因(做)某事向某人道

歉, 谢罪make/offer an apology to sb. for(doing)sth. 因(做)某事向某人道
歉accept/refuse one’s apology 接受/拒绝
某人的道=owe sb. an apology歉 owe an apology to sb. 应
向某人道d ademan歉n apology要
(2)apology n. 道

应该为你的迟到向你的老师道歉_(2)I __________。______for my rudeness last night. 昨
天晚上我太粗暴应该向你道歉__(3)I would rather ____。__________than quarrel with him. 我
宁愿接受他的道歉也不愿和他争吵e apologize toforow。 you an apologyaccept his apology
(1)You should ___________your teacher ___ your coming late. 你

为, 举止, 态*度 (教材原句)Perhaps she knows she’s in the wrong and wants to apologize, or maybe she has a simple explanation for her behaviour. 也
许她知道自己错了, 想要道
, 或歉者她可能会对己的自行为有一个简单的解释。
8. behaviour(AmE behavior)n. 行

为)表ll/bbehave we现adly to/towards sb. 对待
某人e/差behav好 oneself守规矩; 表
现得be(2)well-体haved adj. 表
现好hbadly-be的aved adj. 表
【词块积累】(1)behave    vt. &vi. 举动; (举止或行

当中的一些人谈吐不俗、举止得另, 而体一些人则行为粗鲁、不当_(2)If you don’t know ______。_____________at table in a foreign country, you should copy the host. 如果你在
国外吃饭不懂餐桌礼仪, 你应该照主人的样子 。(3)Peter is always there to help the去做others so they always _____________________. 彼
得总是帮助别们人所以他, 总是对他很好wwell-behavedho。 to behave yourselfbehave very well to him
(1)Some of them spoke pleasantly and were ____________, while others were rude and improper. 他们

情 , 事例;况案件; 容as*(教材原句)In any c器e, find an opportunity to have a full and frank talk with her. 无论
如何, 找个机会和她深入、坦诚地谈一谈。
9. case n. 具体

如何, 不管怎样in case假
使; 以防万in一 case of假
如发生; 万一发生in no case决
不(放句首时, 主句用部分倒装)in that/this case既
在那那样/这样; 然种/这种情teas is of况下n the case这是常有的事that is the case果
真如t is; 就是这样tha此 not the case情
【词块积累】in any case     无论

们越早学会这一点越好。在任何情可以况下很多事情, 通过一个微笑和良好
的举止实现2(2)(。018·天津高考)This time, we stayed together, ______anythin