Unit 5 Project课件-高中英语人教版(2019)必修第一册单元整体教学设计(视频+课件+教案).pptx
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Unit 5 Languages Around the World(Create your own word bank))

目录YOUR TITLELearning Objectives(学习目标)At the end of class, you will be able to:1. Learn to make full use of the dictionary;2. Create your own word bank.3. Improve your learning strategies.

StepⅠ Explore the elements of a word bank.活动一:Study an English-English dictionary to fine the elements of a word bank.look up the word demand in their own dictionarycompare the entry in their dictionary with the example .

ɪɑː;d'mænd/ɪ(1)vt.①要求 ②需要(2)n.①要求;要求的东西②需要,需求,必需品:supply and~供与求-ing adj.要求高的,苛求的be in (great) ~ 需求量很大,销路很好
demand /d'mnd

ɪɑːvt.(1)say strongly that you must have sth要求:I demanded a definite answer.我要求一个明确的答复。/He demanded to try again.他要求再试一次。/The teacher demanded that John (should) go there at once.老师要求约翰马上去那里。(2)want particular goods or services) 需要:This sort of work demands great patience.这种工作需要有极大的耐心。(3)inquire with authority想知道;查问:I had never had the courage to demand the truth我从来没有勇气去询问实情。/The police demanded why he had done it.警方询问他为什么做那事。/“Where is my mother the boy demanded.“我妈妈在哪里”那男孩冋道。搭配 demand a trial 要求审判/demand attention 需要注意短语 demand for要求:The teacher demanded an explanation for his absence from class老师要他对缺课做出解释。∥demand from向······要求(索取):I'll demand reparation from the company.我将要求公司给予赔偿。∥demand of要求,需求:We demand of him to reply at one我们要他马上答复。
de·mand1 /d'mnd/

ɪɑː(-s/-z/;-ed)(1)vt.①[+n.或+ to do sth或+that从句]要求:~ an answer of(或from)sb要求某人答复/ ~ to be told everything要求告诉一切/I ~ that John(should)go there.我要求约翰去那儿。(▲demand后接that从句时,从句的谓语形式使用(should)+v.的虚拟语气形式[参见suggest])②需要 ③质问,盘问;[律]传唤vi.要求;查问(2)n.①[C]要求:make strict ~ s on oneself严格要求自己/I have many ~ s upon my time.我有许多事情要花时间去办。②[U]需要:The supply exceeds the ~. 供过于求。∥~ able a.可要求的/~er n.要求者∥in ~有需要的;吃香的/on ~一经要求∥-ing adj.要求高的,费时费力的
de·mand /d'mnd/

grammar informationidiommeaningexample pronuciation010203060504DiscussionWork in groups of four and discuss the different forms of entry and discuss which is better and which they prefer. synonym

StepⅡ Make a word bank活动二:Decide how to organize the words. work in groups and decide how to organize the words by thinking the following aspects:1. in alphabetical order. A, B, C, etc.2. by group:all the words related to a certain topic, pronunciation, part of speech, etc.3. by commonly confused words, such as "chicken/kitchen, diary/dairy", etc.4. by memory devices:words that you have memorised together, such as words with the same roots, etc.

Ill State the entries.illustrate the entries by adding drawings, tables, cartoons and diagrams.

Spelling folder

活动五:Exchange ideas.1. Work in pairs. Exchange ideas with each other about how you made your word bank. 2. Then discuss how you are going to use it to help your English study.3. Create your group’s work

Homework:Create your own bank and update it each week.

Thank you